Monday, 29 October 2012

Still MrGrumpy

Sorry but MrGrumpy is still not in a happy place... Hopefully he will return with vengeance soon.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


To ensure MrGrumpy does not publish something he may regret. Normal Service will resume when MrGrumpy is in a better mood.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

The First Six Months

MrGrumpy can't believe that six months have passed since he arrived in California. The time has flown past, it has been helped by a couple of visits back to the UK and the Vacation with LittleMissNaughty.

It has been an interesting time, he has lost 30+ lbs in weight and feels much fitter than when he arrived, the option to do outdoor stuff is much more appealing to MrGrumpy when it is nice outside. He has done more hiking than ever before and returned to playing a little golf (albiet very badly).

Yesterday MrGrumpy met up with MrShinyShoes, he has recently moved to the bay area as VP of a startup company.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Guess Who is Back...

Today MrGrumpy took LittleMissNaughty to the airport, it was the end of their holiday. They had a really good time visiting SanFrancisco, Lake Tahoe, Bodie and Yosemite.  MrGrumpy does have hundreds of photos to edit, that should keep him busy in the evenings for the next few months.

The tour took its toll on the Mustang, the 6 miles of unpaved / washboard road, dislodged the rear window of the convertible hood. After dropping off LittleMissNaughty he took the Mustang to a hood shop to get it repaired - the also made some punture repairs to the top, to keep the water out over the upcoming California winter (which is expected to start quite soon).

Saturday, 13 October 2012

MrGrumpy's Holiday Continues

MrGrumpy's first week of Holiday has gone very quickly. MrGrumpy and LittleMissNaughty are now at LakeTahoe for a couple of nights, after spending a few days in SanFran (and doing a lot of walking up and down the hills).

Friday, 5 October 2012

Happy day

Last day of work for MrGrumpy, two weeks vacation upcoming with LittleMissNaughty.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Day++, Stress--

MrGrumpy is having a better day... less stress after a productive if stressful previous couple of days.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Hot Hot Hot

About all MrGrumpy can say about today, not that he can really tell, but at lunch it was very very hot outside.

Monday, 1 October 2012

October already, where is the year going?

MrGumpy started the week by loading up the bike on the back of the car, he is planning on trying to cycle a couple of times if he can.

No Cycling for MrGrumpy today, MrCosmicTea and MrOscilloscope arrived but do have issues with the hotel not having a room for MrCosmicTea, they have found him one for tonight, but tomorrow is another story, they are fully booked...