Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Low Carb Life...

Amazing as it may seem, MrGrumpy is still here... (in sunny California...)
Things have changed recently as I was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic (A1C of 7.4) and therefore decided as an engineer I needed to see what I could do to fix it...
I knew it would involve diet and exercise and after some research decided on a mix of low carb and intermittent fasting to start with...
Well we are 7 weeks in and I have lost 24lbs and blood sugar is averaging about 100mg/dL will go for some lab tests in about a month, hoping the A1C is reduced significantly.
It's pretty hard to stop eating everything that you have grown up eating, bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, crisps, crackers, beans... it takes all my will power to ignore these and find something alternative. At least I can still eat bacon, eggs and cheese...
The hardest still is eating out and finding something that is not too high carb, sometimes it's just easier to fast for a few more hours and ignore the hunger (it does go away, eventually). Water and black coffee are my saviors...