Sunday, 2 September 2012

MrGrumpy has issues with Public Transport and the weather

MrGrumpy took the remainder of the E-Team to the airport via (what should have been) the scenic route over the hills and up highway 1, but in typical english style, it was cloudy and misty so the views were non existent.

After a pub lunch and a quick detour via the windy Golden Gate bridge, MrGrumpy parted with MrC and MrCosmicTea and headed for the train back to San Jose.

It started quite well, although he had forgot that at San Bruno you need to get the next train to MillBrae before you get the CalTrain to San Jose. Anyway, this went quite well and it was only a few minutes wait at MillBrae before the CalTrain arrived.

After about 10mins on the train MrGrumpy partially heard an announcement (because he had his ear phone in an was listening to music), he removed one of the ear phones and listened. The message informed him that this was an express train only stopping at Mountain View and Palo Alto before terminating at San Jose. This was a problem as he wanted to get off at Laurence which is between those  two.
He got off the train at Mountain View and decided to get the next stopping train, this would have been fine except the next one was not for more than an hour. He checked the maps on his phone, it was about 5.5 miles to the office, he may as well walk.

He had the usual issues with walking, the sidewalk (pavement) stopped just a few hundred yards from the station, so he had to backtrack and cross over to continue. In general the walk was quite pleasant, as the sun had returned now he was back in the valley.

The route basically followed the train line, at the Sunnyvale station he decided to check when the next train was, he was in luck, it was due in 2 mins, as he turned he could see the light approaching. He got on and saved himself a couple of miles walk to the next stop.

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