Thursday, 26 April 2012

MrGrumpy and the return of the warning light

MrGrumpy had just arrived at the CubeFarm car park this morning as "bling" the tyre warning light on the Toymota appeared again. He parked the car, looked and kicked the tyres, they all still look fine, not having a tyre pressure gauge on him, he decided to ignore it again (for now).
 mmmmmmm, Donuts...

Being a Thursday, MrGrumpy had a nice donut with his coffee in the morning. Today there was also fresh fruit and other healthy stuff, he managed to bypass that and go for the tasty goodies. Later on he did have a bowl of fruit as some had been put in the 3rd floor coffee room. 
MrGrumpy did not eat all of this,
only one of the smaller bowls.

At midday MrGrumpy went with MrFarSide to fetch the mustang. MrGrumpy found it good to see that even locals take the wrong freeway junctions sometimes, as they took a slight detour past the power station. 
The seat on the mustang had now been rebuilt and while doing that they had fixed the electric adjustment which was apparently stuck on the high setting. This is a good thing, as MrGrumpy needs the seat on its lowest setting to stop his head hitting the soft top (now it has padding on the seat). 
There will be no room for MrGrumpy's sombrero, ten gallon or top hat, he will have to resort to a knotted hanky when the soft top is up.

MrGrumpy continued his work, mid way through the afternoon he decided it was time for another coffee, he found the dispensers were empty, so he would have to use MrBeanToCup, which never seems to deliver what MrGrumpy expects. So MrGrumpy put his cup under the machine and pressed the "Milk Coffee" button, lots of steam, grinding noises and then out dribbled some brown coffee looking liquid. But as usual, what MrGrumpy ended up with was not a cup of coffee with milk, but about an expresso cup of coffee and no milk... MrGrumpy grumbled to himself and added some "half and half" to the tiny amount of coffee and returned to his desk.

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