Monday, 30 April 2012

Oh Monday morning, you gave me no warning of what was to be

Monday morning arrived faster than MrGrumpy would have liked, it was 5:45am when the iPod alarm went off, MrGrumpy prodded the "Snooze" button and returned to his slumber for a few more minutes.
By 6:30am MrGrumpy was ready to leave for work, he joined the uncrowded freeways for his drive to the cube farm, so far travelling in for 7:00am and back out at 7:15pm (ish) kept MrGrumpy out of the majority of the commuter traffic.

MrGrumpy has quite a busy week (work wise), MrWhiteSox is over in the bay area and they have customers to visit. Later in the week MrGrumpy is planning meeting up with MrCrazyRunner for a post marathon beer and burger at the FaultLine microbrewery.

Sometime this week or at the weekend, MrGrumpy needs to take the Toymota Armchair back to MrHertz at the airport, this is bound to cause some frustration as he will need to get public transport back to Sunnyvale. According to MrGoogle it will take about an hour and a half, requires using the BART and the CalTrain and some walking.
pink slip or V5 in english

MrGrumpy got post again today, this time it was the title for the Mustang, so all he is waiting for now is his SSN and he can apply for a driving test.

Some unhappy news, Little MissTatoo and MrGuitarHero have decided to split up, this is sad news for MrGrumpy as they had been together for several years and seemed happy together, MrGrumpy hopes they both manage to move on and are happier as a result.

It was not turning out to be a good day for MrGrumpy, he got news that MrBarneyDog was not well, he had had another fit over the weekend and had later slipped on the stairs, now he is having problems with his back legs, possibly as a result of that fall. Little Miss Naughty is having to look after him, hopefully he will make a full recovery and be back to his normal self soon.

MrGrumpy was worried, MrBadNews normal travels with two companions, so MrGrumpy will have to watch out for the third member of the trio.

Cheap as chips (16GB for £6.90)
While out for lunch, MrWhiteSox needed something from Fry's electrical store, so on the way back they called in. MrGrumpy took the opportunity to get another couple of 16GB SD cards for his camera, so for $46 he now had 4 x 16GB and 3 x 8GB cards. That should keep him going, he is planning on keeping the RAW images on the SD cards until he returns to the UK and offloads them to the server at home.

Whilst out for a meal on Santana Row with MrDanish and MrWhiteSox, MrGrumpy had a run in with a glass of iced water, not once but twice the glass jumped off the table and drenched MrGrumpy. He hopes this completes the trio of MrBadNews and his two companions.

1 comment:

  1. Pink slips are also P45s - looks like you got the right sort! :)
