After doing some research on MrGoogle and friends, he found the FitBit, they do an activity tracker and wifi scales. These look like just the right products that MrGrumpy needs for some motivation.
Not my Photo, found on MrGoogle |
He finds an escape via till 8, no one queueing and only with a few items to go. Obviously this being MrGrumpy, they could not just pay and go, oh no they had to faff about for 5+ minutes putting some credit on some store cards (which failed a couple of times so they had to retry).
Eventually he paid for his stuff and abandoned the naff trolley as soon as he left the store.
After setting up the wifi scales the first weigh-in worked fine, the scary number appeared on MrGrumpy's fitbit dashboard, so far so good, now on to installing the activity monitor.
That also went well, a few steps around the room and he was able to watch it sync. The fitbit also monitors how well you sleep, so MrGrumpy tried that out, unfortunately he slept too well, he woke this morning at 6:30am. He must have forgot to check the iPod alarm, it normally goes off anyway, but if it did he was oblivious to it.
It was time for the morning weight check, so he stepped on the scales and off when prompted by the display, it started to send it's info to the network and promptly displayed an 'X' above the wifi symbol, Failed...
He tried a couple of times before leaving for work, even moving the scales closer to the access point, still no joy.
By lunchtime MrGrumpy had done 1400 steps, climbed the four flights of stairs 4 and drunk 24 fl oz of water, at least this part was working quite well. By 4pm the steps and floors had gone up, not bad given he is sitting down for 8+ hours a day.
As it is Friday then it is MrGrumpy's movie day, he is not sure what to watch today, there is not a "must see".
Given all the blog entries this week involving zombies, maybe he should watch Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter.
MrGrumpy headed home after the movie, which was OK but nothing special. It was a pity the non IMAX cinema seems to have tiny speakers, or somebody forgot to turn it up.
Once he got home he still needed to do quite a few steps to get near his target of 10,000 a day. Off he went for a walk to the local ATM, then round the block. As this is America the block is a couple of miles, by the time he got back 40mins later he was close to his target, 9300 (a total of 4.6miles today).
Now it was time to get the wifi scales working, should have been simple, but it took several restarts and finally he used the web setup on the iPhone and got it working. Tomorrow will tell if it is still working.
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