Sunday, 8 July 2012

Heading for the hills

This morning MrGrumpy was chatting with LittleMissNaughty and watching the wimbledon final (via the iPad pointed at the TV back at home), MrBBC would not let him even listen to the radio coverage (due to licensing restrictions). He had already missed the F1 by not being awake before 7am, so just looked at the result on the MrTwitter.

It was time for him to collect his laundry, while he was out he was trying to work out what else to do today. Back at home, he packed his rucksack, with camera, a drink and a serial bar and headed off towards the park off blossom hill road.
When he got there he took the ridge trail and followed it uphill onto the next trail and then back down to the road.

He was listening to music and tracking the walk with the Nike+ app, after just less than 9 miles he was back home.

Back home it was time for a shower and then relax, next problem was stay in or go out to eat. Finally he stayed at home and nuked a pizza (which he found was twice the calories that he thought, as they only show the numbers for 1/2 a one person pizza). Still even with that and a beer he was well within the budget for calories for today.

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