Tuesday, 24 July 2012

So long and thanks for all the fish

This was MrGrumpy's last day in the LA area, he was quite happy to be leaving and he would not be rushing back.

On the way to LAX to drop MrLongIslandIcedTea off, they stopped for breakfast at a little cafe a couple of miles from LAX.  After a good breakfast the went to the airport - via a detour thanks to MrsIPadNav... When asked to navigate to LAX, she routed them to an employees only entrance, not what MrGrumpy would have expected would be the most popular option.

Now MrGrumpy had a few hours before he needed to be at his airport (in Santa Ana) for the flight back to San Jose. He headed to downtown LA to take a walk around, he found a parking lot in the historic area near bunker hill.

It was getting pretty warm, MrGrumpy took a walk around with his camera, but it was not too exciting, there was not a lot too see, just another built up city area.

After this MrGrumpy headed to Hollywood, he wanted to get a photo of the sign. Having done as much research as usual, he ended up in Griffiths park, but was running short of time now, so gave up when he found he was still 20 mins from a good spot to view it. He headed off to the airport as that was well over an hour away.

Again MrsIPadNav routed him to an employee entrance at the back of the airport, so another detour to find the rental car returns... He dropped off the truck and packed up MrsIPadNav etc, unfortunately unknown until later, his favorite hat had fallen off the seat and was left in the truck.

MrGumpy had dinner and a couple of beers before boarding the short flight back to San Jose and the Taxi back home.

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