MrGrumpy is constantly surprised and how short the weeks seem, it is probably due to the long 12 hour days (which also seem to be too short).
Even starting at 7AM, it is 1PM before he seems to have even begun to make any progress. Generally that progress is not positive, once through the deluge of conference calls and emails, by 1PM he has more things added to the todo list than taken off.
Every issue / email seems to explode into several actions, most of which involve getting info to / from people on the oposite side of the world, thus adding more to the frustration and delays to all concerned.
Today MrGrumpy has had a very bad fitbit day... too much sitting down, hardly any walking at all, by 6:30pm only 1600 steps and just 9 flights of stairs... about 1/3 of a normal day... OK, his plan for today and tomorrow was to rest the legs a little, but not that much...
It was 7:45pm before MrGrumpy left the CubeFarm today and he already knows tomorrow is going to be a challenging day, he wonders if it is even worth going home.
He did finally manage to cross a couple of items off his todo list, but this was only tiding up loose ends. With this done he might be able to concentrate on what he needs to while MrZee is on vacation. But not until at least tomorrow afternoon, and then only if the morning goes well.
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